DiskInternals Partition Recovery

DiskInternals Partition Recovery is an advanced data recovery tool, which is intended for all users, who need to recover some data or lost partitions. You deleted a file or your boot record, master boot record or partitions are damaged? You are at a loss for solutions here? This program will be a magic wand to make the whole situation go your way. Partition Recovery is designed as a step-by-step wizard and requires no special skills to understand how it works. It suits well both for a inexperienced user and a pro.
DiskInternals Partition Recovery foresees a variety of cases, when it may render its authoritative assistance. It is just what you need, when you have accidentally deleted a partition image file or an important document; when a disk volume containing valuable information was damaged due to a system malfunction or a disk volume was damaged by a dangerous virus; when you desperately try to recover data from damaged, deleted, lost or reformatted partitions; when files or folders are corrupted; when your OS cannot access a disk drive and the like. These problems are surmountable, because the program has a built-in triad of wizards, which effectively solve all these problems. It has Partition Recovery Wizard, NTFS Recovery Wizard and FAT Recovery Wizard. The whole process of restoration is automatic and is shown in a visually clear way.
DiskInternals Partition Recovery supports a multitude of file systems, including FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, EXT2, EXT3, NTFS, NTFS4 and NTFS5. The tool scans every disk sector for recoverable data; recognizes, sort and saves on undamaged hard drive, CD\DVD, FTP or other media. Therefore it never ignores or misses anything that can be restored. With this program you are always on the safe side: DiskInternals Partition Recovery repairs data from virtual disks, and it does not matter if these files or folders were deleted before recovery or not. Partition Recovery is a sure way to get you precious information back.